
Lawrence County Sheriff Trent Masterson has joined with other sheriffs throughout southeastern Illinois in voicing their opposition to the recently enacted gun ban bill that makes it illegal to sell, purchase or deliver various types of assault weapons in Illinois. In a Facebook post on the Lawrence County Sheriffs Department page, Masterson said that part of his duties accepted upon being sworn into office was to protect the rights provided in the US Constitution. One of those is the right of the people to keep and bear arms under the 2nd Amendment. Masterson, along with his colleagues believe that the bill is a clear violation of the 2nd Amendment. Therefore, he announced that neither he or his deputies will be checking to ensure that lawful gun owners register their weapons with the state nor will they arrest or house any law abiding individuals that have been charged solely with non-compliance with the bill. In addition to Lawrence County, Wabash, Wayne, Richland, Marion and other county sheriffs have issued the same statement.