
The Sumner City Council met in monthly session Tuesday night and were offered the former Sumner Press newspaper building located downtown for potential use as a new city hall location. After hearing the offer and after a lengthy discussion, there was no interest shown by council members and they voted not to take action on the offer. Mayor Betty Brian told Lite 103 News that the city has already obtained the former D and S Grocery building and plan on demolishing that location and have plans already drawn up for a new city hall there. They were also wary of taking over an older building that will cost additional money for repair and upkeep. The council went on to approve it’s annual fiscal year audit. They declined after a public hearing to make application to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources at this time for a grant toward improving the city baseball field and park. The application deadline was September 30th and it would be tough to obtain all the application information needed with such a short timeline. The matter could be revisited in the future.