Primary Election Day



SOUTH BEND, Ind. (AP) — Voters in most of Indiana’s 115 cities are

heading to the polls to vote in mayoral primaries to decide who moves on to

November’s general election. However, Washington and Vincennes are

two of Indiana’s largest cities that won’t conduct primary elections today

due to a lack of contested races.

Bicknell will hold a primary today to decide who will be the Democratic and

Republican candidates for Mayor this fall.

Loogootee voters will choose candidates for City Council and City Clerk


Pike County voters will hold a referendum today to determine if property

taxes should be raised to cover a shortfall in the local school corporation


In Indianapolis, four Republicans and two Democrats are vying in

Tuesday’s primary. They’re seeking to replace Republican Greg Ballard,

who decided against seeking a third term.

One of the more watched races is in Carmel, where five-term Mayor Jim

Brainard is being challenged in the Republican primary by City Council

President Rick Sharp in a race where debt is a key issue.

Gary’s Karen Freeman-Wilson and South Bend’s Pete Buttigieg (BOO’-tah-

juhj) are both seeking second terms and face challengers in Democratic


Polls are open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. local time.