Free college tuition debated at VU


Pros and cons of free college discussed Tuesday….

Should higher education be tuition free?

That was the debate yesterday (Tuesday) at the Red Skelton Performing Arts Center.

On the side opposing free college was Assistant Professor of Theater at Vincennes University Kendra Clauser and VU Information Technology Student Garrett Dickerson.

Dickerson said he originally agreed with free college.

However, after learning what it would take for free college to be universal his views changed.

On the side favoring tuition free college was Department Chair of the Vincennes University Biology Department Curt Coffman and VU Psychology Student Willow Williams.

One major argument they made was that the average student graduates with thirty-five thousand dollars of debt.

Coffman says its hampering the economy.

He thinks educating more Americans would result in an enhanced economy.

Overall, both sides hope students and people in general realize this is not a clear cut issue.