Knox County Officials Looking for Residents to Clean Up Their Properties


Knox County officials are looking for an avenue to get residents to clean up their properties.

Area Plan Commission Executive Director Colt Michaels shared with board members a conversation he recently had with County Commissioner Tim Ellerman.

Michaels says that Ellerman is looking at implementing enforcement measures to get people in unincorporated areas like Bunker Hill to remove junk automoblies and debris from their property.

Michaels says they’ve had some limited success sending letters out to property owners citing them for violations of the county’s zoning ordinance. He says sometimes property owners will respond and clean up their land only to move more auto parts and other debris back onto their lot.

Michaels told Commission members what they really need is a full-time county inspector whose job it would be to enforce the zoning codes and take individuals to court if necessary.

The problem right now is the APC doesn’t have the extra cash to create another position within their office.

It’s a topic of conversation that Ellerman hopes to have with the board and other county officials at a future meeting.